Saturday 4 January 2014

Another try at curling hair

I've been practicing curling my hair on and off, it's slowly getting better. I used a babyliss wand but they have stopped selling it now. Next time i try it I'm going to hold the curl in,using a clip, until the curl cools and then take it out, hopefully it will last longer that way.


Saturday 30 November 2013

Emma Hardie, cleansing balm

Just a quick before and after. They are both without makeup. Not a dramatic transformation but I felt a difference.



Monday 30 September 2013

Week 1- back to healthy eating

I tried to get my self back in track this week. It hasn't been perfect but atleastits I've managed to get back to the gym again and drinking more water and eating more veg.

Last weeks weight in: 10.1 3/4

This weeks: 10.0 1/4 (-1 1/2 lb)

Not great but if I post it it might motivate me more.


It's hasn't been a perfect week. Tuesday we went for fish and chips for a family members 84th birthday, Thursday was a friends birthday so we went las iguanas and then Sunday we had carrot cake from costa as a small weekend treat! Not perfect but would rather slowly get back on track then suddenly start everything.

I only managed to go to the gym twice, once for spinning (450 calories) and once for a good run (555calories).

This week I am aiming for 3 gym sessions, use to do 5 so it's do-able.


Sunday 29 September 2013

DIY wedding makeup- bare minerals

I have been thinking about this constantly, should I do my own wedding makeup. Now our budget can cover the cost of a makeup artist but I keep worrying that every time I get my makeup done it's never exactly how I want it. This I can usually deal with but on the day of my wedding I would be in such a panic.


I really like the idea of getting my self ready on my big day so am on a quest to try out different products. The first is bare minerals. I've never wanted to try it before as I don't like the thought if just using powders but when I was walking through house of fraser, with my mum, she suggested it in fron the the MA so I could hardly say no.


After the demo, I brought the starter kit along with their eyeliner which seems really nice already and an eyeshadow, sex kitten I think it was called.

Once I got home I took a photo in daylight, I forgot total done with a flash but will do next time I wear it to check for flash back. Here is he result.

I haven't edited or put any filters on, it's not makeup I would have on the day but I wanted to see how the skin looks. My skin was actually quite dry and spotty this day so I think the coverage is quite good.

Overall I was impressed but still need to check for flashback, check whether it transfers easily as well as how long it lasts.

My next trial product is going to be armarni luminous silk, cantwaittoget my hands on it.


Sunday 22 September 2013

Wedding hair- the average persons attempt

Everyone has been there, watching youtube videos thinking, I can do that. Well I have learnt I cannot do that. He are my attemps at a few different wedding up dos which look so easy to do on youtube.

I was hoping that I could do my own wedding hair but have realised I am going to either need a lot of practice or just face it and have it done professionally.
They make it look so easy on youtube.


The quest to the perfect bridal body

Diet. Healthy eating. Lifestyle change. Whatever you want to call it, I need to get back on it.

Over the summer, actually since new year, I was into a routine of spinning 3 times a week and gym for 2. I felt happy about my body and enjoyed going to the gym to relax and spend time with the fiancé but since we've come back from holiday I/we cannot get back on track. I don't know what it is I went for my dress fitting, was happy with my size, then started relaxing with the eating and exercising. Well now I'm in a state of panic! What if the dress comes back too small. I won't have the fitting until just after Christmas, the best time to have a fitting obviously.

(My polar watch I loved, during the summer)

The main measurement I need to focus on is my waist. I'm a very typical pear shape, my waist has always been my smallest part. I was measured at a 26", I'm currently 28" and want to be 25" so I can eat and feel comfy on the day. I really need to do something.

This week I've decided to start the blog as a way of recording my results/weighins since having to post it online gives that extra bit of pressure, just incase a wedding dress doesn't. I'm weighing in tomorrow to see the damage and starting back at spinning tomorrow. I might give myself little rewards, like a new face cream as I go along but as soon as I get into the routine I know I'll be fine. Hopefully.


Back to my fitness pal it is.

What it will be about

So, a little background detail. I was proposed to by my boyfriend in June 2013. It is currently September 2013 and I have got most of it all planned. This blog will be for my little panics I have that the other half gets fed up of hearing about.
I blogged while I was at uni and decided I would start up again to keep a record of this time to look back on, kind of a diary.
If you are due to get married soon, I wish you all the luck with your preparation and hope you are making the most of it.